Monday, April 21, 2008


I don't know why I thought Sam would get over all the baby stuff that is coming out again, but he hasn't. Isaac is about ready for the JumpeRoo that Sam once bounced in, and here he is caught red handed trying to revert back to his babyhood.

On another note, since it has been nice outside, we headed on over to our first official visit to Deanna Rose Farmstead. Samuel can't get enough of the slides and things to climb on and jump off (I hold my breath as I can see emergency room visits in the future!)

Can anyone say static electricity?

This year Sam is old enough to hold a bottle for the baby goats, and once again gets overwhelmed with how they swarm towards the food as though they have never been fed! As you can see they had pushed him backwards with his back against the fence.

A boy who absolutely loves the great outdoors!

And on those rainy days.......he enjoys watching basketball with daddy and mommy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is so stinkin cute!! :)