Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Filling Daddy's Shoes

Samuel is crazy about shoes. He goes to the shoe basket every single day and drags EVERY shoe through the hall, into the living room, and maybe if I'm lucky he drags them all the way back to the shoe basket.

Sam has tried to walk in my flip flops and today he tried to step into my heals; but what I find most adorable is Sam wanting to wear his Daddy's shoes. The size 12 shoe only allows him to wear one at a time, and even then he is grabbing for objects to help him along with his walk; as Joel and I will with him in his journey of growing up. Sam stands in his Daddy's shoes and I wonder what he'll be when he grows up, and then I think that one day Sam will put on his Dad's shoes wonder if he could possibly be just like his Daddy. I couldn't wish for anything better for him. Joel and I have been through a lot together and I can attest to him being a fantastic man; and I have been lucky enough to call him mine. I have enjoyed our journey thus far and can only imagine the memories that are yet to come. I love you Joel, and wouldn't change anything for the world because we wouldn't have the relationship we do now without the good and the bad times. It is all worth while with you by my side.


Anonymous said...

lucky you, lucky Sam. Ain't love grand???

Anonymous said...

That picture of sam in joels shoes is priceless!! He sure is growing though!! geeze i need some more sam in my life!
~Katie I

Anonymous said...

I loved how you tamed his hair into a comb over. That is awesome....